Juliana Oliveira Nascimento

Senior Executive, Lawyer and Professor Specialist in ESG, Sustainability, Compliance, Corporate Governance, Risks, Internal Controls, Internal Audit, Business Continuity and International Business. She has relevant experience in the corporate sphere with more than 20 years working on strategic and highly complex projects. Professional Master's Degree Master of Laws in International Business Law from Steinbeis University Berlin (Germany). Master's degree in Law from the Autonomous University Center of Brazil – UNIBRASIL. Global Corporate Compliance from Fordham University (Professor Carole Basri). International Management and Compliance from Frankfurt University Applied Sciences. Postgraduate in the LL.M. in Applied Business Law from the Faculties of Industry of the FIEP/SESI/SENAI/IEL System. Postgraduate degree in Labor Law and Procedure from the Brazilian Academy of Constitutional Law – ABDCONST. Postgraduate degree in Democratic Rule of Law from the School Foundation of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the State of Paraná – FEMPAR. Bachelor of Laws from Centro Universitário Curitiba – UNICURITIBA (Curitiba Law School). Member of the Platform for Action Against Corruption of the UN Global Compact Brazil Network. Speaker and writer. Coordinator and co-author of several books. She also has several published articles. Co-founder, CEO and Vice-Chair of the Board of the Compliance Women Committee (founded in September 2017), a group that has more than 3000 women members who work with compliance, governance, risks, ESG and related areas, in Brazil, Germany, the United Kingdom, Portugal and several other countries in the world, in the public and private spheres. Website: www.julianaoliveiranascimento.com.br.

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