

May - June 2024

Volume 1, Issue 3

Dear Readers,

As I started to write the editorial for our third issue, many thoughts crossed my mind. Should I write about the unique significance of this issue as a collector’s edition, or should I write about how HR TODAY came into being and what its vision is?

Without being verbose, I’d like to write about both.

How did HR TODAY happen, and What is its Vision?

  • HR TODAY is a Dream, which began on the campus of IIM Bangalore around 2004, in the company of the late Manu Parashar, one of the finest friends and researchers I have ever come across, with a clarity of thought that many researchers fail to have.
  • HR TODAY is a Global Platform for everyone interested in People, Organizations, the nature of Work in organizations, work technologies, and all its interconnections with society and government at large. This will reflect in everything we do as we advance.
  • HR TODAY sees itself as a vibrant community of global professionals that will include HR professionals but will not be limited to it, as the non-inclusion of so-called non-HR Professionals goes against our belief that every member of an organization is an HR professional in every right.
  • HR TODAY plans to Evolve as a Network in every country led by Rightful Academic/business leaders to ensure that we develop a global spread of knowledge and capabilities and share every local nuance across for enhanced capability building for every professional without any geographic or economic boundary like developed, developing, underdeveloped, and elite clubs. Knowledge has to be free and shared for the greater good of humanity as a whole.
  • HR TODAY aims to be the First Choice of every professional worldwide who would like to publish their papers, case studies, and research.

Having talked about HR TODAY’s evolution and vision, I’d like to talk about this collector’s issue.

This is a Collectors Edition. In this issue, we have opened our wings to include more sections. This time we have a) Spotlight, b) Leaders’ Speak, c) Features, d) Insights, e) Tales from the Field, f) Book Reviews

  • Spotlight: These are deep articles driven by research and the experience of leaders who have moved mountains in their careers and created a space as Thought Leaders.
  • Leaders’ Speak: These are interviews with the leading industry leaders and professionals
  • Features: These articles are written by specialists who are deeply practising in their domains and are known for their craft globally
  • Insights: These are what I call short and sweet articles. They are all celebrated best-selling authors who have specially written their papers to give you clear and implementable takeaways.
  • Tales from the Field: In every issue, we will share a distilled story of two leaders who want the world to know. They are successful professionals who have made a mark for themselves and impacted a large number of people around them with their work.
  • Book Reviews: We are also adding this new section to help our readers get a sense of upcoming best sellers.

There is so much in this issue that I don’t really want to be between you and the authors. Let’s dive into our First Collector’s Issue.

If our vision inspires you and you would like to be part of this Grand Story – HR TODAY, Please write to me at sunilsingh@hrtoday.in

Previous Issues

March - April 2024

Volume 1, Issue 2

January - February 2024

Volume 1, Issue 1

Launching a New Chapter in HR Journalism - HR TODAY MAGAZINE